Monday, May 19, 2008


Today has been amazing! Definitely a dream come true! The minute I laid eyes on him, I fell in love. My friend Travis told me about how much he loves his son and said the minute I lay eyes on Zach I will know what he means. Well, I definitely do! It is the most amazing feeling I have ever felt! I felt so bad for Zach's foster mom. She had such a hard time. She has had him since he was 1 1/2 months old. She is amazing though! I tried to express my appreciation to her for the way she has cared for Zach, but I could not find the words to express just how thankful I am.
The night started out great. He went right to me and then didn't want me to let him down. He went to Uncle Jerry too. As it got a little later he was not so happy. I felt so bad for him and didn't know what to do to soothe him. He does not like to sit still so you have to hold him standing up. So, I stood up, gave him a bottle, rocked him and sang to him. That seemed to work after a while because he is sound asleep. We have an early morning at the Embassy for his VISA so I will get off here. I will write more later. Thanks again to everyone for your support!
Longing for a child to love,
I'd wish upon the stars above.
In my heart I always knew,
A part of me was meant for you.
I think how happy we will be,
Once I adopt you, and you adopt me.
I dream of all the joy you'll bring,
Imagining even the littlest things.
The way it will feel to hold you tight,
And tuck you in every night.
The drawings on the refrigerator door,
And childhood toys across the floor,
The favorite stories read again and again,
And hours of games with make-believe friends.
The day you took my outstretched hand,
A journey ended, but our lives began.
Still mesmerized by your sweet face,
Still warmed inside by our first embrace.
I promised to give you a happy home,
And a loving family all your own.
A house you've now made complete,
With laughter, smiles and tiny feet.
A parent is one who guides the way,
Know I will be there everyday.
Rest easy as each night you sleep,
A lifetime of love is yours to keep.
Longing for a child to love,
I'd wish upon the stars above.
In my heart I always knew,
A part of me belonged to you.


Lynne said...

Beth, congratulations! He is so beautiful....can't wait to meet him in person! Just goes to show the best things in life are worth waiting for! Lynne

Michelle Norton said...

Beth I was blubbering like a baby when I saw this picture. I remember how overwhelmed I was with emotions. I am so happy for you. I can imagine how you felt with the Foster Mom. I bet she is so grateful that he is going to such a loving and wonderul MOM. He is so blessed. I would have loved to see you rocking. Bet you never dreamed it would feel so good. WE all love you and can't wait to meet Zach. Enjoy your time there. MICHELLE

jen said...

Beth, you've heard the phrase "love at first sight" but until you actually experience this expression you don't quite know what it means. Now that you ARE a mommy it brings new meaning to this old adage. Congratulations to you and Zach. Cherish all experiences with him for they go oh so fast, even the not-so-great ones. The three of you have a very safe trip home and you tell Jerry that he better bring some pictures to the pit because I want to oooh and awww over YOUR very hansome son too! Jen O'Brien

Tonya Boster said...

Hi Beth! I love the pictures of you and Zach; they are priceless! Zach is so handsome. I know exactly how you feel; there is nothing like the first time you hold them and rock them. Bella had a rough time the first night, too. I'm sure Zach will adjust and transition just fine. Enjoy your time together. I look forward to hearing all about how things are going when you get home.


Arabella's Mommy