Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Zach's Baptism went so well. I cried most of the way through it. It was just so moving to me. The first picture is of Pastor Michael, myself, Zach, my sister Teri and my brother Jerry (they are Zach's Godparents). The other picture is most of my family. One of the ladies from the church that has an amazing voice sang "I Hope You Dance" for me. During the adoption process when I received good news, that morning on the way in to work I would hear that playing on the radio. So, it became my song for Zach. I am so excited to teach Zach the Bible! He won't sit still long enough for me to read to him yet, but I know it will be a matter of time and he will.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Going back to work has been exhausting! When I get home, I want to spend every minute I can with my little guy. I have to tell you all that being a mom is so much more amazing than I could have ever imagined. This picture says it all! Zach is doing so well. He wakes up every morning with a big smile on his face. He is definitely a morning person. It is so hard to believe that we have been home for nine weeks tomorrow. I can't remember what my life was like without him. He is definitely my little ray of sunshine. I thank God for him every day. The way he has adjusted has been so wonderful. I know it is answers to many, many prayers (just like he is).

The other day I was looking at the pictures of us from the airport and I realized how much he is growing. He is starting to repeat words now. It's so cute to hear him try to pronounce some of them. I took him to the demo derby at the fair a couple of weeks ago with Uncle Jerry and Aunt Lois. He loved it! We have him raising his arm up and yelling "smash". Of course it comes out "mash" which is so cute. When he gets in trouble, all I have to do is give him "the look" and he stops and puts his head down. Well, the other day that happened and he looked at me and put that tiny arm up and said "mash". Needless to say he knows how to melt my heart. It was so cute.

I am very excited to tell you that Zach is getting Baptized this Sunday. Bringing Zach up in a Christian home is so important to me. I have asked Uncle Jerry and Aunt Teri to be his Godparents. They are so excited! I will post pictures next week.

I guess that is all for now. I will try not to let so much time go by between posts. Blessings to everyone!