Thursday, April 24, 2008


I received a copy of Zach's passport today! I am so excited! I am one step closer to getting my sweet baby boy! My agency said they should do 2nd DNA either today or Monday (they don't do much on Fridays). Once DNA is back, I will receive a Pink Slip (not the bad kind like at work, the good kind) with my Embassy appointment for Zach's VISA. And that is when I get to go get him. I have so many feelings going on right now. I am excited because it is finally happening and I am nervous because it is finally happening. I guess I am going through what every expecting mother goes through right before she gives birth. Wondering if I will be a good mom, if I will know what to do, will he like me and want to come to me. I just can't wait to get him in my arms and never let go! Thank you so much to each and every one of my friends and family for all the support and prayer that you have given me and Zach and for the continued support and prayer. It is because of all of you that I have made it through this long process so far. God is definitely good!! He lead me to Zach and I can hardly wait to teach Zach all about him!

Well, that's all for now. I will post when I get more news!


Suzanne said...

YEAHHHH. Your moving right along. Hers to wishing you a speedy PINK

Tonya Boster said...

I am happy for your Beth. God has brought you this far and you will have Zach in your arms very soon. I was very worried before I met Arabella as well, but your mommy instincts will kick in and you'll do fine!


Arabella's Mom